Hero of this post is Omnipotent and Omnipresent terrorizing MOSQUITO alias MOSQ- capable of terrorizing all and present every where in the Globe -probably a little more here and a little less there varying only in degree and not in kind!

In this mid summer days………

Sure not in the realm of phantasy or dream but in the realm of reality!

In my tiny 2BHK flat of Eight Hundred and Fifty squire feet,

Every day there will be an invasion of mosquitos- singing!

Please hear the Music of the MOSQUITO:

“Among the beautiful creations of the Lord Almighty
There are big and small, tall and short, fat and lean, all types pretty
Wonderful indeed is HIS art of making living beings
Of course to bring in peace and harmony nice in all doings!

Lions roar, dogs bark, cuckoos sing, waves roar, nightingale sings sweet
Lord Krishna plays the flute so melodious, cows return neat
People yearn to listen to the children’s blabbering on time
World looks forward for the voices kind and sweet all around nice!

HIS creation the tiny mosquito rings, sings as night falls
To some it is music who have the ears to enjoy music
To many it is nuisance plain and simple spoiling sleep
It is all in the ears of the beholders and listeners!”

Image result for Image for the music of mosquito

It is a struggle indeed for all in getting rid of the menace of the MOSQUITOS !

Mosquito Net For Single And Double Bed at Rs 100/piece | Mosquito Bed Nets  | ID: 12840775648
Are mosquito coils good or bad for our health? - The University of Sydney

Both the above have defects of their own!!!!

To many

Ceiling fan - Wikipedia
Ceiling fan appears to be the best!

Here are ways to get rid of mosquitoes inside the house:

  1. Stop mosquitoes from entering your home. …
  2. Stop mosquitoes from breeding inside the house. …
  3. Keep mosquito repellent plants. …
  4. Keep sliced lemon and cloves around the house. …
  5. Use a garlic spray to control mosquitoes. …
  6. Keep a dish of soapy water. …
  7. Keep a dish of beer or alcohol.

With all these will they leave us

How to Prevent Mosquito Bites While Sleeping? - Zapout

Enjoy the music of our partners created by BRAHMA the creator of the Universe and all living beings!!!!!


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