06/05/2023: HERB DAY!

Herb Day, celebrated on the first Saturday in May, is a holiday that simply encourages planting herbs and celebrates people who have a culture of growing herbs. This year it falls on May 6. It was created and organized by the HerbDay Coalition, which is an organization of five non-profit groups. The holiday encourages people to learn more about herbs, cultivate them and use them more extensively in their daily lives.


Herb Day was created in 2006, a time when ‘herb’ was still a bit of a scary word. Medical doctors, naturopaths, and acupuncturists were not yet comfortable incorporating herbs into their practices, and the public knew very little about the subject. The HerbDay Coalition is made up of five non-profit organizations that wished to create a day for people to celebrate the healing power of herbs. On the first Saturday in May, we invite you to have your own celebration with the herbs you have in your garden or on your patio.

The world of plants was divided into trees, shrubs, and herbs by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus. Herbs are also further classified into three groups, namely pot herbs, sweet herbs, and salad herbs. During the 1600s, pot herbs began to be referred to as vegetables as they were no longer considered only suitable for the pot.

In its early stages, botany was primarily a study of the pharmacological uses of plants, and by the Middle Ages, with the advent of humoral theory in medicine, the position was made that foodstuffs, having their own humoral qualities, could, in turn, alter the humoral temperaments of humans.

Popular plants parsley and sage were often used together for cooking in medieval times. A renowned therapeutic nutriment of that age, chicken broth, as well as green sauce, were usually prepared with parsley and sage.


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