Image result for abhinavagupta

Abhinavagupta one of the blessed sons of our holy Mother
Bharathamatha to become a great Indian saint to guide brothers
All over the nation-nay the world even- a powerful Saint to bless
The human beings in HIS own methods and style to last till this day!

Abhinavagupta’s period nine hundred and fifty to one thousand sixteen
Philosopher, mystic and aesthetician from Kashmir- influential musician,
Poet, dramatist, exegete, theologian, and logician – a polymathic
Personality exercised strong influences on Indian culture.

Born in Kashmir in a family of scholars and mystics- studied all
Schools of philosophy and art of his time under the guidance of many gurus.
In his long life he completed over thirty five works, the largest is Tantrāloka,
Encyclopedic treatise on all the philosophical and practical aspects of Kashmir Shaivism.
Another important contribution was philosophy of aesthetics with his famous
Abhinavabhāratī commentary of Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharata Muni.

Abhinavagupta had six qualities required for śaktipāta, described
In sacred Śrīpūrvaśāstra): unflinching faith in God, realisation of mantras,
Control over objective principles thirty six tattvas, successful conclusion
Of all the activities undertaken, poetic creativity and knowledge of all disciplines.

Various scholars have say Abhinavagupta is a “brilliant scholar and saint”,
“The pinnacle of development of Kashmir Śaivism” and ” yogic realization”.

Image result for abhinavagupta

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