Envius Thoughts

by NV Subbaraman -“NVSR’s ENVIUS THOUGHTS “for greater catholicity and nobility.


Legion of Mary

Second July today indeed a holy day for all- Christianity prime
The day Mary showed HERSELF to the world in places several
Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members
Developed by prayer and  co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work.
Legion sees as its priority the spiritual and social welfare of each individual.
The members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of
Families, the sick, both in their homes and in hospitals and through
Every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by the parish.
Every legionary carries out a weekly apostolic work in the spirit of faith.

The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who, with the
Sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate,
Mediatrix of All Graces, serve the Church and their neighbor.
First meeting of the Legion of Mary took place in Myra House, Francis Street,
Dublin, Ireland, Nineteen Twenty One.very beneficial consequences for the mission of the Catholic Church and, in a special way, for millions of Members of Christ’s Lay faithful who would serve in the Legion




Dominion day background - Vector download

‘Vasudeivakutumbakam’- the whole world is one family
Great Indian philosophy! Sure to be practiced happily!
Yet fact is we have countries in hundreds and hundreds all the world
Different cultures, languages, people made of different mould!

“Dominion Day” till early eighty and now “CANADA DAY”
A great country it is of all cultures and people have their way!
Absorption and assimilation yet giving freedom to all
Who have come and settled as “permanent residents” make them tall!

Education great, entertainment nice, health care wonderful sure
Climate though extreme, people enjoy and landscape beautiful pure!
No hatred -malaise, no violence- terrorism quite sober
Churches and mosques, temples and Gurdwaras all over –secular!

Fun and frolic, joy and happiness, live bands and fireworks quite great
Sports and dances, prayers and festivities mark the day a treat!
Picnics and excursions, people in Canada enjoy plenty
All from the globe, we wish them a happy Canada Day gently!

Canada Day, Dominion Day at Holiday at Holiday Insights

International Olympic Day-June 23rd.

International Olympic Day 2020 Theme, Quotes, Celebration ...

Indeed it is  a great honor to be a part of the Olympic team
In any part of the world! It indicates the prowess of the
Individual’s efficiency in the world of sports- of any branch!
Twenty Third June today is International Olympic Day!

Olympic Day is a celebration of sport, health, and being the best
One can be. It invites everyone around the globe to be active.
Participants from all over the world will commemorate the day
International Olympic Committee was founded in Eighteen
Ninety Four. Olympic Day is today and people across the world
Celebrate by getting active. We  can join in! Olympians  a source of
Inspiration and motivation during these tough times with their energy
And positivity: their home workouts have helped  stay moving and their
Stories keep us mindful during lock-down!.

Today the Olympic Movement  celebrates Olympic Day by creating
The world’s largest twenty four hour digital-first Olympic workout.

How India can win 50 Olympic medals in 2024 - Rediff Sports

How Much Is an Olympic Medal Worth in India? - India Real Time - WSJ



Global Day of Parent's 2019: History and Significance

June First is today-Global Day of Parents. Yes very holy day indeed!
In India that is Bharat our homeland parents are placed before
Teacher and God – Matha. Pitha, Guru, Dhaivam- mother,father
Teacher and God!What a noble tribute to our parents-nothing further!

The Global Day of Parents announced by the United Nations
General Assembly in Two thousand Twelve with a resolution  and
Honors parents throughout the world.  Day provides chance to
Appreciate all parents in all parts of the world for their selfless commitment to
Children and their lifelong sacrifice towards nurturing this relationship.

Family has  responsibility for the nurturing and protection of children
And that children, for the full and harmonious development of their personality, Should grow up in a family  atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.
United nations or not, Indian culture injected this in our blood
And equally implies that children when grown up have to take care
Of parents in their old age!- NO OLD AGE HOME FOR PARENTS SURE!
Let us on this holy day resolve to follow our culture  with devotion!

Respect your parents, teachers and mentors

A Calmer You, by Sonal Kalra: No, your parents' house is NOT your ...


Sampath Speaking" - the thoughts of an Insurer from Thiruvallikkeni: statues  of Chennai .... Kathipara Nehru, Beach Sivaji and more....

Coming from a great Kashmiri Pandit family-a great Gandhian
Inextricably  intertwined with freedom  movement under Mahatmaji
Rightly chosen as the First Prime Minister of free India!
Born on Fourteenth  November Eighteen Eighty Nine
And lived up to TWENTY SEVENTH MAY Nineteen Sixty Four.

Indian independence activist, and the first Prime Minister of India
Central figure in Indian politics before and after independence.
Emerged as an eminent leader of the Indian independence movement.
Served India as Prime Minister from  Nineteen forty Seven
Until his death in Nineteen Sixty Four.
Son of Motilal Nehru, a prominent lawyer and nationalist statesman
And Swaroop Rani. Nehru was a graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge and
Inner Temple, where he trained to be a barrister.  enrolled at the
Allahabad High Court and took an interest in national politics.
Replaced his legal practice. A committed nationalist since his teenage
He became a rising figure in Indian politics during the upheavals.
Became the prominent leader of the left-wing factions of the
Indian National Congress earlier  and finally entire
Congress, with approval of his mentor, Gandhi.

Nehru and the Congress dominated Indian politics
As the country moved towards independence. His idea of a secular nation-
State was validated when the Congress swept the provincial elections and
Formed the government in several provinces; Nehru,  reluctantly heeded
Gandhi’s call for immediate independence.,
Nehru was elected by the Congress to assume office as
India’s first Prime Minister,

Gandhi felt Nehru as his political heir and Successor.

As Prime Minister, he set out to realize his vision of India.

He Started an ambitious program of economic, social and political reforms.

Chiefly, he oversaw India’s transition from a colony to a republic,

While nurturing a plural, multi-party system.

Under Nehru’s leadership, the Congress emerged as a catch-all party,
Dominating national and state-level politics and winning  three Elections .
He remained popular with all in spite of political troubles in last years
His birthday is Children’s Day. We salute Nehruji on this memorial Day.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Stock Photos & Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru ...

Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Arjun Dev Ji May 26th.

Happy Gurpurab 2020: Download Guru Gobind Singh Ji Jayanti ...

Guru Govind Singji.

Freedom that we enjoy today is the result of freedom struggle
Under  our Father of the Nation Mahatmaji -all Indians
Irrespective  of their religion-came together and struggled
Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Jains all together!

Twenty Sixth May today is the Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Arjun
Devji of Punjab.
Guru Arjun Dev born in April Fifteen Sixty Three Goindval,
To father  to become Guru Ramdas and his mother’s  Mata Bhani.
Arjan Dev’s  grandfather  Guru Amardas and his father Guru Ramdas
Were  the third and fourth Gurus of the Sikhs.
Became the fifth Guru of the Sikhs after the death of his father.

Guru Arjun laid the foundation of the Golden Temple  in Amritsar.
Also designed the four doors in a gurdwara – the Sikh places of worship – Proclaimed that “My faith is for the people of all castes and all creeds from whichever direction they come and to whichever direction they bow.”
He also declared that all Sikhs should donate a tenth of their earnings to charity.
His enduring legacy to the Sikh faith  compiling  all  the past Gurus’
Writings into one book – the holy scripture: the Guru Granth Sahib.
Guru Arjun Dev included the compositions of both Hindu and Muslim saints
Consistent with the teachings of Sikhism and the Gurus.

Muslim Mughal Emperor Jahangir imposed a fine  and
Demanded that Guru Arjun erase some of the hymns
He found offensive. According to the Sikh tradition,
Guru refused to remove the lines and pay the fine,
For which  he was  tortured  and executed.

On this day full reading of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib is done.
With a procession with the Sri Guru Granth Sahib,
And sweets are offered to the general public outside gurdwaras.

Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Arjun Dev Ji in Punjab in 2020

Amritsar Golden Temple.
P.S. Please look for historic TWO THOUSANDTH POST in the Blog to come  tomorrow- 27/05/2020 TALE OF  A BLOGGER PART 40

Maharana Pratap Jayanti 25th May

Maharana Pratap Jayanti in India in 2020

Greatness of India that is Bharath our Motherland is not of
Recent origin!Bharath Matha  has given birth to a great number
Of rulers, scholars, saints and seers, scientists and mathematicians
Of the world order!One such Ruler was Maharana Pratap!

Twenty fifth May today a holi day !Maharana Pratap Jayanti
In the  states of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan!
This day is the birth anniversary of an eminent ruler of sixteenth
Century who stood up to the might of the Mughal Empire.
Maharana Pratap born  in Rajasthan as a son of Maharana Udai Singh II,
Ruler of the Kingdom of Mewar, with the capital at Chittor.
As the eldest son, Pratap was the Crown Prince.

Chittor was surrounded by  formidable forces of Mughal
Empire of Emperor Akbar. Maharana Udai Singh II decided
To leave Chittor, and relocate rather than capitulate to the Mughals.
Maharana Udai Singh Two died , Pratap Singh became the Maharana of Mewar.
. He passed away, aged 56, fighting for his nation, for his people
And most importantly for his honor! WE salute him today!

2020 Maharana Pratap Jayanti Date and Time, 2020 Maharana Pratap ...
P.S. Please look for historic TWO THOUSANDTH POST in the Blog to come  in two days on 27/05/2020 TALE OF  A BLOGGER PART 40


Bachendri Pal-IndiaTV

In the year 1984, Bachendri Pal became the first Indian woman and fifth woman in the world to reach on top of Mount Everest.

Himalayas -the Home of Lord Shiva and sages several!
As the loftiest mountains on Earth,  Himalayas  embody
Highest ideals and aspirations. sight of their sublime peaks,
Soaring high and clean above the dusty, congested plains ,
For centuries inspired visions of transcendent splendor and
Spiritual liberation. Puranas, ancient works of Hindu mythology,
Say of  Himalayas: In the space of a hundred ages of the Gods,
Glories of Himachal where Siva dwells and where the Ganges
Falls like the tendril of a lotus from the foot of Vishnu.
In no other mountains  Found Mount Kailas and Lake Manasarovar.
As the dew is dried up By the morning sun, so are the sins of
Mankind by the sight of Himachal!
We salute  first Indian woman Bachendra Pal who reached the great peak!

Everest kalapatthar.jpg


May 5th- Karl Marx Day

Karl Marx 001.jpg

World has seen “isms” many-of course with great founders- liked or disliked!
Today Fifth May is  the birth day of one such founder of an “ism”
Prevalent  all over the world-COMMUNISM! Liked and disliked !
May be  not properly understood and practiced-to the dislike of many!

Karl Heinrich Marx born in Eighteen Eighteen and lived up to
Eighteen Eighty Three! a German philosopher, economist,
Historian, sociologist, political theorist,Journalist and
Socialist Revolutionary. His basic  MATERIALISTIC CONCEPTION OF MAN
According to many takes not into consideration one’s intellectual
And spiritual worth and value! In the name of Marxism trade unions
Misuse and do not serve their Institutions and the country  to the extent
They can and must! No religion and God!That leads to the dislike of many!

SOCIALISM OR YOUR MONEY BACK: Birthday greetings to Karl



Soka Gakkai International (SGI)


Welcome to kwameyamoah's Blog: Dr. Dr. Daisaku Ikeda- President ...




A very important day in my life too thanks to the great friendship that was handed over to me more than a decade ago by the then President of the International Poetry Society- Dr. Krishna Srinivas of Chennai who presented Dr. Sethukumanan, a poet, a great educationist, devotee of Japanese stalwart poet DR. Daisaku Ikeda . That in fact prompted this week’s Sunday Story on 1924th day of Envius Thoughts. In fact two posts are already there in this connection in the Blog.

Peaceful world, harmonious society
Sure heaven on earth invoking piety
Peace and joy, values and morals its crown
Saints, seers and prophets to us handed down!

Where is peace and where is harmony smart
Gifted boon from the God, where do they start?

Where there is no nasty hatred and greed
Where the mind is free from fear and weed
Where there is no malaise and violence
Where there is no ego and arrogance
Where there is no anger and jealousy
Sure there is peace and poise, fine harmony!

Religions teach me to spread love and peace
Little I care for what they teach with ease!

Who can bring this here and now, pure and sure?
What can bring this nectar to more and more?
Noble poets with wisdom and passion
Poetry with vision and devotion!

Krishna and Buddha, Jesus and Prophet
Gave message of love and peace to trumpet!
Lincoln, Gandhi, Mandela and many
Did trumpet to follow with dignity!

Through the noble wings of poetry pure
Tagore and (Dr.) Krishna won our hearts sure!
Daisaku, great apostle of world peace
Five decades and more, efforts not to cease
To serve the Poetry World with deep ease
God bless him with hundred years with grace!
(Poem presented by me at the Poets Meet organized by the World Poetry Society Intercontinental on the occasion of felicitating Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, for his fifty years of successful completion as President of the Soka Gakkai International.

Dr. Daisaku Ikeda is a Buddhist Philosopher, Peace builder and Educator.)

This occasion made my friendship with Dr. Sethukumanan become stronger and long lasting. Dr. Kumanan published my translation of Dr. Ikeda’s Japanese poems into Tamil through English. It was titled THANNEER ISAI”.

One of Dr. Sethukumanan’s educational institutions is SOKA GAKKAI IKEDA’S COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCINCE FOR WOMEN. A delegation of Spanish Poets visited this college and on that occasion I also enjoyed the hospitality of the students and staff of the college under the leadership of the President Dr. Sethukumanan.

Let us have a peep into the life and services of the great Japanese giant Dr. Ikeda.
May 3 is known as “Soka Gakkai Day.” It was on May 3, 1951, that Josei Toda was inaugurated as the second president of the Soka Gakkai, and on May 3, 1960, that Daisaku Ikeda became the third president. May 3 is also “Soka Gakkai Mother’s Day,” symbolizing the vital role that women play within the organization.

Josei Toda became second president at a time when there were only around 3,000 Soka Gakkai members in Japan, seven years after the passing of first president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, who died in prison for his beliefs during World War II.
Ikeda recalls that on that day, Toda announced his goal of achieving a membership of 750,000 households during his lifetime. He comments, “This was a soaring pledge to accomplish kosen-rufu (world peace through the spread of Nichiren Buddhism). The goal he announced was truly staggering. But I was overjoyed. Courage surged through me. My mentor, incomparable leader of kosen-rufu, had finally resolved to stand at the helm as president.”

The Significance of March 16
March 16 is a symbolic day for Soka Gakkai members, commemorating the occasion on March 16, 1958, when Josei Toda, second president of the Soka Gakkai, then in fra…Toda’s passionate efforts to realize this vision inspired hundreds of thousands of people throughout Japan to join Soka Gakkai over the next few years and eventually laid the path for Nichiren Buddhism to gain a following around the world.

In May 1960, two years after Toda’s death, Ikeda, only 32 years old, was inaugurated as the third president of the Soka Gakkai. Under his leadership, the movement began an era of innovation and expansion, becoming actively engaged in cultural and educational endeavors worldwide. Ikeda has continued to dedicate himself to fulfilling Toda’s dreams by developing initiatives in the areas of peace, culture and education. He has described May 3 as “a day to embark afresh on our struggle for world peace and the happiness of humanity.”

Toda had always emphasized the importance of the role of women in spearheading the organization’s development, and Ikeda also recognized that Soka Gakkai’s growth was largely due to the efforts of the women members—the “mothers of kosen-rufu.”

On April 27, 1988, at the first national Soka Gakkai Women’s Division meeting held in Tokyo, Ikeda therefore proposed that May 3 also be designated “Soka Gakkai Mother’s Day” in the spirit of appreciation for the sincere efforts of the women members.
Rightly Dr. Sethukumanan has chosen to provide education to teen ageds at the school and college levels.

Soka Ikeda College of Arts and Science for Women is named after a renowned Japanese poet and Buddhist philosopher Dr. Daisaku Ikeda and Soka Education System, which stresses on moral building. Dr. Daisaku Ikeda is the Honorary Founder and Mrs. Kaneko Ikeda is the Honorary Principal of the college.

Soka Ikeda College of Arts and Science for Women has gloriously embarked the twentieth year with many accolades and achievements since its inception in the year 2000. Having emerged as a pioneer institution, in its neighborhood, the college offers humanistic education. “The Institution of Excellence” award given by the Indian Council of Gandhian Studies, New Delhi adds glory to the success saga of the institution. The college is affiliated to the University of Madras and recognized by the Government of Tamilnadu (G.O.281). The college offers 13 courses at the U.G. level, 4 courses at P.G Level and M.Phil course in Commerce in Shift-I and 3 U.G. Courses, 3 P.G. courses in Shift-II.
So this much is for this week’s Sunday Story and till we meet tomorrow STAY SAFE AT HOME. Good bye!

Management – sba

Fourth from left Dr. Krishna Srinivas on the right is Dr. Sethukumanan


Blogger with the Mexican Poets in SGC  of Arts and Science for Women in Chennai

Soka Ikeda College of Arts and Science for Women - Chennai

Soka Gakkai College of arts and Science for Women, Chennai




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