Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu Gurur dhEvO maheswar
Guru saatchaath parabrhma thasmai sri GuravE nama:!
Teacher is the Creator, Teacher is the protector
Teacher is the destroyer of ignorance! I bow to HIM!

Fifth September- birth day of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan observed
As TEACHERS DAY in India for long! Deemed as a holy day by all!
World Teachers’ Day, International Teachers Day, is today the Fifth October
Established in Nineteen Ninety Four,commemorates the signing of the UNESCO/ILO Recommendation On the Status of Teachers, a standard-setting instrument that addresses the status and their conditions of teachers around the world.outlines standards relating to education
Personnel policy, recruitment, and initial training as well as the continuing education of Teachers, their employment, and working conditions.aims to focus on “appreciating, assessing And improving the educators of the world”. Let us wish all the teachers all the best!



World Teachers Day History | World Teachers Day Theme


International Literacy Day 2020 – National Awareness Days Events Calendar 2020 – UK & US

Though alive, one is dead sans knowledge, wisdom through literacy
Unfortunate large population remain illiterate-pity
Efforts on war footing need of the day to provide literacy
Especially in the most countries adopting democracy!

Today is International Literacy Day as declared
By UNESCO in nineteen hundred sixty five-to be observed
To tell all- of the fact that one in five adults not literate
Two thirds of illiterates are women- estimate moderate!

Future of the family and society is at stake if allowed
On this day very important, all responsible be advised
To provide literacy to all at any cost-Government
And individuals to take up efforts honest- permanent!

International Literacy Day 2020 - International Literacy Day History, Significance, Literacy in India and Facts




Teachers' Day 2018: All you need to know about Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan


Human beings created by the All knowing, ever present and all powerful God must lead a life of peace and poise, joy and harmony, love and nobility. But we know how we are! Dr. Radhakrishnan’s birth day was yesterday observed as TEACHERS DAY in-deference  to his desire. Envius Thoughts here in brings out a few parts the great former President’s CONCEPT OF GOOD LIFE! Let us enjoy reading and practice that GOOD LIFE so long as we are allowed by the Omniscient to be on earth.

Like other two thinkers, Radhakrishnan’s views on good life, is also found in
his moral philosophy which is spiritual and integral in nature. As a contemporary Indian philosopher he describes his ethical view not only from humanistic and spiritualistic standpoint, but also from the religious standpoint by reconciling the values of both western and eastern region. Radhakrishnan’s doctoral thesis is “Ethics of the Vedanta”. The main purpose of this thesis was intended to be a reply to the charge that the Vedanta system had no room for ethics . At that time philosophy
in India was exclusively British, primarily Neo-Hegelian. They vehemently criticized Vedanta philosophy and to safeguard it Radhakrishnan put forwarded his master thesis. Therefore, his philosophy can be regarded as an attempt to establish Idealism and Hinduism as a solution to the conflict of philosophical and religious ideals. According to him, the source and ideal ofthese two disciplines is integral experience and this integral experience is the basis of Radhakrishnan’s philosophy.
Radhakrishnan intends to apply this method of integral experience in all areas of human life specially in the empirical field of science, art and ethics. According to him, in moral life this integral experience performs its methodological function. He was not interested in routine, mechanical and formalized rational ethics nor in conventional good form but in creative good life. So, Radhakrishnan does not seem to be an advocate of conventional morality. He says, “As consistent thinking is not
creative thinking, as intellectual verse is not inspired poetry, in conduct respectability is not mere righteousness, Mere cor-rectitude of behavior is not the last word of morality. It may be conventional good form but it is not creative good life.”1
Human beings by nature are always struggling in life for the realization of
supreme values- Truth, Beauty and Goodness. But these values are transitory which have a sudden success but they last only for a short time. Radhakrishnan says, “The values for which we struggle are only flash in the pan and will disappear sooner or later.” For the development of value oriented personality these values are essential.He says, “Personality is not alone physical manhood or economic well being or sensitive conscience, without a spiritual center man’s life has no integrity.” These three values cannot be arranged in a hierarchical order. He says, “To be inspired in
our thoughts by divine knowledge, to he moved in our will by the divine purpose, to mould our emotion into harmony with divine bliss, to get at the great self of truth, goodness and beauty to which we give the name ofGod as spiritual presence, to raise our whole being and life to the divine status, is the ultimate purpose and meaning of human living.” Ethical Endeavour assumes that life is worth living. The highest end of life springs from the self who gives meaning and significance to the less general ethical
ends. “In the highest state of a man is integral in being, perfect in knowledge, absolute in love, complete in will.
Radhakrishnan’s ethics can be regarded as intuitive or integral ethics because moral intuition is an act of integral insight in which the whole personality dominated and controlled by mystical perception is involved. This moral intuition is not an intellectual act, as Richard Price says it is an integral act which requires a man of supernatural vision and perfect-self-integration. So, Radhakrishan is not a follower of conventional ethics or morality. For him, moral life is an essential condition for the
pursuit of wisdom and ethical conduct is an indispensable means of spiritual life. He applies the method of integral insight to decide the question of ‘right’ and ‘good’.

He applies these concepts to concrete courses of duty. It differ him from Kant and Moore. According to Moore, ‘good’ is non natural so it has no capacity to influence the will and the will is the source of concrete decision and action. With regard to Kant, it is still a subject of debate as to whether he has intended to moral law or the categorical imperative to be applied to the natural state of will or whether its purpose something
other than the regulation of empirical choice and action. But Radhakrishnan is not concerned with the natural will of man but with the will of man whose whole being is suffused with the Spirit, so that there is nothing natural left in it. According to Radhakrishnan, ethical principles are not subjective, they are objective because they are not dependent on this or that individual, they are independent of individual, but they are not categorical imperative as Kant says. He says, “The spiritual obligation is of more consequence than social condition and the inward constraint is more important than the law imposed from without.”  According to him real morality consists of skill and adventure and in our ethical life intuitive insight is essential for the highest reaches. The ethical doctrine and the principles of Radhakrishnan are
essentially in conformity with the tradition of Hinduism. Though he recommends some changes on it these are not contrary to Hinduism because they indicate the growth and development within the framework of the essential spiritual outlook on life. Therefore if can be said that Radhakrishanan’s views of life is nothing but the essence of Hindu view oflife. He says, “Though morality commands conformity, all moral progress is due to non-conformists.”  Radhakrishnan insists that in conventional
ethics moralist may be a good man for that society related to him, but without an inner spiritual obligation, inward truthfulness and utter sincerity a man cannot be a morally progressed being, according to Radhakrishnan. Therefore moral progress depends on such inner constraint of human being.The individual human being and the society are interdependent. The sound development of the individual is best condition for the growth of the society and a healthy condition ofthe society is the best condition for the growth of the individual.
An ant-heap or a beehive is not the model for a human common-wealth. No harmony is achieved by the enslavement of the individual. As the individual is the social being, society is the necessary means by which he attains the development of his personality. The state exists in order that its members may have a good life and it is not above the ethics. It exists essentially for the good of the individual and it has the right to demand the condition essential for the performance of its task. Generally society judges man’s
work on the basis of conventional common ethical standard. Society considers man as machine and reduces man’s personal problem to general problem and evaluates in the light of typical situation and moral formulas. But as against this, Radhakrishnan gives much more emphasis on individual rather than society. Because, in doing these intellectuals are to be abstained from the deeper sources of vitality and their souls are at strife with their minds. As a result it becomes difficult to handle life, love and suffering. Therefore he says we must look each of them as unique situation as an absolutely free and living adjustment to the o the circumstances. He says, “All men are equal as centers of absolute value, it is as regards instrumental values that they are unequal.

(To be continued)

Teacher's Day 2017: 5 Interesting Facts about Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's  birthplace, Thiruttani | India.com

Place where Dr.Radhakrishnan was born.

TEACHERS’ DAY- September 5th.

US Teacher Appreciation Week 2020 Wishes & HD Images: WhatsApp Stickers, Facebook Greetings, Quotes And Messages to Thank Educators | 🙏🏻 LatestLY

Teacher sure is the destroyer of our ignorance and thoughts evil
To him we all pay our respects and obeisance, drive the devils!
“Acharya dhevo bava” -treat the teacher as God- wisdom words
From the days of Vyasa-giver of Vedhas- from time out of counts!

Philosopher President born on this holy day years ago
Great soul he was a teacher all through his life though the President
Wish it was for him – this day be dedicated to the teacher
We pay our endless respect to his soul and his tribe to prosper!

Gurur brahma Gurur Vishnu, gurur dhevo maheshvara
Gurus satchath param brahma thasmai sri gurave namaha”!
Teacher- the great creator of all good thoughts and deeds in humans
Protector of all virtues and nobility in men and women
To you our respectful obeisances! Bless us with knowledge
That will make us give our best to the society our privilege!

“Teaching indeed is the noblest of the callings” rightly declared
Teachers to equip well to deserve all respect and reverence
Parents to be faithful and take care of their wards when out of school
Society sure to blossom into nobility and greatness!




5 inspiring quotes of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan for new learnings in your life | People News – India TV



Knowledge is power, knowledge of language is greater, more languages
More power! Power comes through word power; word power comes  through more words
Word power is obtained from dictionary, and hence I used to advice
All not to refer to dictionary but read the dictionary!
An hour a day spent on reading this wonderful device increases
One’s vocabulary that gives a command over the language!

More than a dictionary is a thesaurus! A great friend and teacher!
January Eighteenth today is National Thesaurus Day,
To honor Peter Mark Roget, the author of Roget’s Thesaurus,
Born on this day in Seventeen Seventy Nine! In Eighteen Forty
Roget retired from a successful career in medicine and spent
Rest of his life working on “Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases.”
Result of decades of collecting lists of words and categorizing
Them, much like a scientist would collect specimens.  he collected words.
First published his thesaurus in Eighteen Fifty Two- more than a book of synonyms – it was a complete categorization and organization of each word by meaning.

Poets and writers use thesaurus to help make their writing come to life.
Whether you are looking for a more accurate word or trying to improve
Our writing,  thesaurus in fact is our best friend. Expanding our vocabulary
Increases both written and spoken communication skills, creative writing
Abilities, and can be helpful in advancing our career.Let us read the THESAURUS


YOUNG READERS DAY-November 12th.

Image result for young readers day 2019"

Reading indeed is a must for every one for a successful life.
Reading what, when, and how?- questions natural to be addressed by all!
Reading trashes never helps at any stage at any place.at any time.
Reading what that builds up nobility and provides knowledge fine!

Today the twelfth of November is YOUNG READERS DAY- a day to cherish
To start practicing reading at young age! sure to be a nice habit!
Young Readers Day was co-founded in nineteen eighty nine by Pizza Hut
And the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress great move!

This blogger has a bad habit of reading nothing extra in life!
Upto college-study the books needed, while in office the manuals
And circulars to administer the office!!! None after retirement!
Only reading from age seven to seventy nine is THE HINDU-news paper!

Image result for young readers day 2019



Image result for Significance of September 5th

Profession by choice or chance a question that deluded answer in my life
Yes while in schools and colleges several essays I wrote declaring-finest
Of the callings is teaching-noblest of all is teaching at any level
And I wanted to be that! Started as a Teacher of Maths and English!

Short lived was my wish and determination! Loved by students and colleagues
Youngest teacher at twenty one in an oldest school-Srinivasa Rao High School
In the THYAGAYYA’S place-Thiruvaiyaru near Thanjavur! Lovely atmosphere
For a few months earlier in the school where former President of India
Venkatraman studied-Rajamadam in Thanjavur District school nice and great!

Profession not by choice but chance played its role- joined El Ai. C
Today is fifth September TEACHERS DAY-birth day of second President
Of India-Teacher -Philosopher-President Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan
Let us remember his services in the field of education in India!

Image result for photo of n v subbaraman as a teacher in Nellore College

N V Subbaraman to address the students of B.Ed college Nellore.


Image result for world teachers day 2018 images

World Teachers’ Day- International Teachers Day, is today
October fifth. from Ninety Four, to commemorating
Signing of the UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning
The Status of Teachers, rightly addressing
Situations of teachers around the world.outlining
Standards education personnel policy, recruitment, training!

Focusing the continuing education of teachers, their employment,
And working conditions. The Day aims to focus on “appreciating,
Assessing and improving the educators of the world” and
To consider issues related to teachers and teaching!
Let us on this day pay our respects to our preceptors
Revered teachers all well in their noblest of the callings!



Image result for world teachers day 2018 images

ENVIUS THOUGHTS crosses 1,75,000  views.
I am glad to share with you that with the 190th  view at 19.30 hrs yesterday viz Thurs day  the Fourth (04th) October 2018 , total views of the BLOG  crossed the landmark ONE LAKH  AND SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND (1,75,000) from more than 210 countries  around the world on the 1253rd day and 1365th post, thanks to your support and encouragement. Kindly continue.




All over the world, teachers are kept on a high pedestal- a mentor, a preceptor to be respected and revered. In fact India holy Motherland deems TEACHER as next to Father and Mother and before God! Matha- Pitha – Guru -Dheyvam!

To me my elementary school teachers who taught me alphabets and fundamentals are more venerable! My father was also a Guru for me as he was a Teacher/Headmaster!

Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan-basically a teacher turned Philosopher-President was born on FIFTH SEPTEMBER and in deference to his desire and wishes the day is observed as TEACHERS DAY in India. Today also happens to be SANSKRIT DAY! It was therefore decided to post a SANSKRIT hymn in praise of GURu-the TEACHER in the original in Sanskrit, its English transliteration and meaning in English I am confident and sure that our esteemed viewers are bound to enjoy the read.

॥ गुरुस्तोत्र सार्थ ॥

अखण्डमण्डलाकारं व्याप्तं येन चराचरम् ।
तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ १॥
AkaNdamaNdalaakaaram vyaaptham yaena chraacharam
Thathpadham dharsitham yaena thasmai sriguravae namaha.
अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जनशलाकया ।
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ २॥
Angaana thimiraandhasya ngaananjanasalaakayaa
Kshatchrunmeelitham yaena thasmai sriguravae namaha

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः ।
गुरुरेव परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ ३॥
Gururbrammah gururvishnuhu gururdhevo mahesvaraha
Gururaeva parambrammha thasmai sri guravae namaha.

स्थावरं जङ्गमं व्याप्तं यत्किञ्चित्सचराचरम् ।
तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ ४॥
Sthaavaram jangamam vyaaptham yathkinchith sacharaacharam
Thathpadham dharsitham yaena thasmai sriguravaenamaha.
चिन्मयं व्यापि यत्सर्वं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम् ।
तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ ५॥
Chinmayam vyaapi yathsarvam thrailokyam sacharaacharam
Thathpadham dharsitham yaena thasmai sriguravae namaha.

सर्वश्रुतिशिरोरत्नविराजितपदाम्बुजः ।
वेदान्ताम्बुजसूर्यो यः तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ ६॥
Sarvasruthi siroarathnaviraajitha[padhaambujaha
Vaedhaanthaambujasooryo yaha thasmai sriguravaenamaha.

चैतन्यश्शाश्वतश्शान्तः व्योमातीतो निरञ्जनः ।
बिन्दुनादकलातीतः तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ ७॥
Chaithanya saasvathassaanthaha vyoamaatheethou niranjanaha
Bindhunaadhakalaatheethaha thasmai sriguravaenamaha.
ज्ञानशक्तिसमारूढः तत्त्वमालाविभूषितः ।
भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदाता च तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ ८॥
Njanasakthisamaarutaha thathvamaalaa vibhushithaha
Bhukthimukthipradhaathaa cha thasmai sriguravaenamaha.

अनेकजन्मसम्प्राप्तकर्मबन्धविदाहिने ।
आत्मज्ञानप्रदानेन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ ९॥
Aathmangaanapradhaanaena thasmai sriguravae namaha.

शोषणं भवसिन्धोश्च ज्ञापनं सारसम्पदः ।
गुरोः पादोदकं सम्यक् तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ १०॥
Soashanam bhavasindoascha ngaapanam saarasampadhaha
Guroaha paadhoadhakam samyak thasmai sriguravae namaha.

न गुरोरधिकं तत्त्वं न गुरोरधिकं तपः ।
तत्त्वज्ञानात् परं नास्ति तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ ११॥
Na guroradhikam thathvam na guroradhikam thapaha
Thathvangaanaath param naasthi thasmai sriguravae namaha
मन्नाथः श्रीजगन्नाथः मद्गुरुः श्रीजगद्गुरुः ।
मदात्मा सर्वभूतात्मा तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ १२॥
Mannathaha srijagannaathaha madhguru srijagathguru
Madhaathmaa sarvaboothaathmaa thasmai sriguravae namaha.

गुरुरादिरनादिश्च गुरुः परमदैवतम् ।
गुरोः परतरं नास्ति तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ १३॥
Gururaadhiranaadhischa guruh paramadhaivatham
Guroho paradharam naasthi thasmai sriguravaenamaha.

त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव । त्वमेव बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमेव
त्वमेव विद्या द्रविणं त्वमेव । त्वमेव सर्वं मम देवदेव ॥ १४॥
Thvamaeva maathaa cha pithaa thvamaeva thvamaeva bandhscha sakha thvamaeva
sakha thvamaeva
Thvamaeva vidhyaa dhraviNam thvamaeva thavamaeva sarvam mama dhaeva dhaeva.
॥ इति श्रीगुरुस्तोत्रम् ॥

Saluatations are to that guru who showed me the abode–
the one who is to be known–whose form is the entire
universe and by whom all the movables (animals) and
immovables are pervaded . (l)
Salutations to that guru who opened the eyes of the one
blind due to the darkness (cover) of ignorance with the
needle (coated) with the ointment of knowledge . (2)
Salutations to that guru, who is the Creator, Sustainer,
and Destroyer and who indeed is the limitless Brahman . (3)

Salutations to that teacher who showed me the one to be
known, who permeates whatever that is movable and immovable,
sentient and insentient . (4)
Salutations to that teacher who showed me (by teaching)
the pervader of all three worlds comprising the sentient
and insentient . (5)
Salutations to that guru who is the sun to the lotus of
VedAnta and whose lotus feet are made radiant by the
jewel of all Shrutis (UpaniShads). (The guru is
established in the vision of the Shruti and is the one
by whom the Shruti blossoms forth.) (6)
Salutations to that guru who is Awareness, changeless
(beyond time), who is peace, beyond space, pure (free
from rAga and dveSha) and who is beyond the manifest
and unmanifest (NAda, Bindu, etc.) (7)
Salutations to that guru who is rooted in knowledge
that is power, adorned with the garland of Truth and
who is the bestower of the joy of liberation . (8)
Salutations to that guru who by bestoying the knowledge
of the Self burns up the bondage created by accumulated
actions of innumerable births . (9)
Salutations to that guru; the perennial flow of wisdom
from the one rooted in the vision of the Shhruti dries
up totally the ocean of transmigration (saMsAra) and
reveals (teaches) the essence of all wealth (the fullness,
freedom from want). (10)
There is nothing superior to knowledge of truth; no
truth higher than the truth, and there is no purifying
austerity better than the truth; salutations to that
guru . (11)
Prostrations to that guru who is my Lord and who is
the Lord of the Universe, my teacher who is the teacher
of the Universe, who is the Self in me, and the Self
in all beings . (12)
Salutations to that guru who is the beginning and the
beginningless, who is the highest Deity and to whom
there is none superior . (13)
Oh God of all Gods! You alone are my mother, father,
kinsman, friend, the knowledge, and wealth . You are
to me everything . (14)

Image result for Images for Teachers day Sanskrit Day 2018

Image result for Images for Teachers day Sanskrit Day 2018


ENVIUS THOUGHTS crosses 1,69,000  views.
I am glad to share with you that with the 81st  view at 15.00 hrs yesterday viz Tuesday  the Fourth (4th) September 2018 , total views of the BLOG  crossed  ONE LAKH  AND SIXTY NINE THOUSAND (1,69,000) from more than 210 countries  around the world on the 1284th day and 1336th post, thanks to your support and encouragement. Kindly continue.


Image result for guru purnima 2018


In my holy Motherland-India that is Bharath
Matha , Pitha, Guru Dheyvam-in that order people
Respect Mother, Father, Teacher and God-noble indeed
Teacher-Preceptor greater than God Himself-people heed!

Twenty Seventh of July-Holy day to revere
Our great Guru of Gurus- Veda Vyasa- on full moon
Day of the Ashadha month-when the teacher is worshiped.

Vyasa purnima-observed as birth day of Vyasa
The author of Mahabharata!This day also to honor
Gautama Buddha for his first sermon at Saranath
Let us all revere all Gurus-past and present!

Image result for buddha purnima 2018 date